Simple Key Value Text Parser In C
posts no malloc C Coding Programming Key ValueFor linux if you call env
you will get a sequence of bash variable like:
What if you want to parse such files in C? I written a kv_parse_value()
which might help you!
It has zero dependencies, doesn't require malloc and also can handle whitespace and quoted strings.
Typically application is linux software, embedded systems, simple configuration store... etc...
If this helps you, please do let me know!
Also it's now in github at
In addition, I noticed that for very simple INI files this will be able to parse it as well!
You could potentially also parse some linux program output which uses a similar form...
but for those kind of unstructured output it would tend to have whitespace and use :
instead of =
I have intentionally written this in a way that you can easily modify and strip it down, in case you are trying to run this in an embedded or restricted context.
Other Style Supported
Spaces and ':'
Quotes and Double Quotes
Key Features:
- ASCII Support Only: The function only processes standard ASCII characters. Non-ASCII input may produce undefined behavior.
- Malloc-Free: No dynamic memory allocation is used. The caller must provide a fixed-size buffer.
- String-Only Values: Extracted values are stored as null-terminated C strings.
- Whitespace Handling (
):- Ignores leading and trailing spaces/tabs around keys and values.
- Quoted String Support (
):- Allows values to be enclosed in single (
) or double ("
) quotes. - Handles escaped quotes within quoted values (
- Allows values to be enclosed in single (
- Multi-Character Delimiter Support:
- Accepts both
as key-value separators (e.g.,"key=value"
or"key: value"
- Accepts both
- Line-Based Parsing:
- The function skips to the next line if the key does not match.
- Safe String Copy:
- Ensures the extracted value does not exceed
value_max - 1
- Ensures the extracted value does not exceed
/* Simple ANSI C KV Parser
* 2025 Brian Khuu (This Code Is Released To The Public Domain)
* To test this function run `cat kvparser.h | tcc -DKV_PARSER_TEST -run -` */
* @brief Parses a key-value pair from a given string.
* 2025 Brian Khuu (This function is dedicated to Public Domain)
* This function extracts the value associated with a specified key in a formatted key-value string.
* ## Supported Features:
* - **Whitespace Skipping** (`KV_PARSE_WHITESPACE_SKIP`): Ignores spaces and tabs around keys and values.
* - **Quoted String Support** (`KV_PARSE_QUOTED_STRINGS`): Handles values enclosed in single (`'`) or double (`"`) quotes.
* - **Key Delimiters**: Supports both `=` and `:` as key-value separators.
* @param str Input string containing multiple key-value pairs (e.g., "key=value") separated by newline.
* @param key The key to search for in the input string.
* @param value Output buffer to store the extracted value.
* @param value_max Maximum length of the output buffer (`value`), including the null terminator.
* @return The length of the extracted value (excluding the null terminator) on success, or `0` if the key is not found.
* @note If `KV_PARSE_WHITESPACE_SKIP` is defined, leading and trailing whitespace is ignored before returning the value.
* @note If `KV_PARSE_QUOTED_STRINGS` is defined, values can be enclosed in single (`'`) or double (`"`) quotes.
* @example Usage Example:
* @code
* char buffer[50];
* unsigned int len = kv_parse_value("username=admin\npassword=1234", "username", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
* if (len > 0) {
* printf("Username: %s\n", buffer);
* } else {
* printf("Key not found.\n");
* }
* @endcode
unsigned int kv_parse_value(const char *str, const char *key, char *value, unsigned int value_max)
for (; *str != '\0'; str++)
while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
/* Check For Key */
for (int i = 0; *str != '\0' && key[i] != '\0'; i++, str++)
/* Key Mismatched. Skip Line */
if (*str != key[i])
goto skip_line;
while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
/* Check For Key Value Delimiter */
if (*str != '=' && *str != ':')
goto skip_line;
while (*str == ' ' || *str == '\t')
/* Copy Value To Buffer */
char quote = '\0';
for (int i = 0; i < (value_max - 1); str++)
if (*str == '\0' || *str == '\r' || *str == '\n')
/* End Of Line. Trim trailing whitespace before returning the value. */
value[i] = '\0';
while (i > 0 && (value[i - 1] == ' ' || value[i - 1] == '\t'))
value[i] = '\0';
return i;
else if (quote == '\0' && (*str == '\'' || *str == '"'))
/* Start Of Quoted String */
quote = *str;
else if (quote != '\0' && *(str - 1) != '\\' && *str == quote)
/* End Of Quoted String. Return Value */
value[i] = '\0';
return i;
else if (quote != '\0' && *(str - 1) == '\\' && *str == quote)
/* Escaped Quote Character In Quoted String */
value[i - 1] = *str;
value[i++] = *str;
/* Value too large for buffer. Don't return a value. */
value[0] = '\0';
return 0;
/* Search for start of next line */
while (*str != '\n')
if (*str == '\0')
/* End of string. Key was not found. */
return 0;
/* End of string. Key was not found. */
return 0;
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Test case function
void run_tests()
char buffer[100] = {0};
int buffer_count = 0;
// **Test 1: Basic Key-Value Retrieval**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("key1=value1\nkey2=value2", "key1", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 6);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "value1") == 0);
// **Test 2: Retrieve Last Key**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("a=b\nc=d\ne=f\ng=hello", "g", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 5);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "hello") == 0);
// **Test 3: Key Not Found**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("a=b\nc=d", "z", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 0);
// **Test 4: Buffer Too Small**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("longkey=longvalue", "longkey", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 9);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "longvalue") == 0);
// **Test 5: Empty Input**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("", "anykey", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 0);
// **Test 6: Input Without Key-Value Pairs**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("randomtext\nanotherline", "key", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 0);
// **Test 7: Handling Spaces Around Key and Value**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value(" key = value \n next = test ", "key", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 5);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "value") == 0);
assert(buffer_count == 0);
// **Test 8: Duplicate Keys (Return First Occurrence)**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("x=1\nx=2\nx=3", "x", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 1);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "1") == 0);
// **Test 9: Newline Variations (Windows vs. Unix)**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("a=one\r\nb=two", "b", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 3);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "two") == 0);
// **Test 10: Key With Special Characters**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("user-name=admin\", "user-name", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 5);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "admin") == 0);
// **Test 11: Value Containing '='**
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("path=/home/user=data", "path", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 15);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "/home/user=data") == 0);
// **Test 12: Quoted String **
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("path=\"/home/user=data\"", "path", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 15);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "/home/user=data") == 0);
assert(buffer_count == 17);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "\"/home/user=data\"") == 0);
// **Test 13: Uncapped Quoted String **
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("path=\"/home/user=data", "path", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 15);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "/home/user=data") == 0);
assert(buffer_count == 16);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "\"/home/user=data") == 0);
// **Test 14: Quoted String With Escaped Quote **
memset(buffer, 0, sizeof(buffer));
buffer_count = kv_parse_value("path=\"/home/\\\"user=data\"", "path", buffer, sizeof(buffer));
assert(buffer_count == 16);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "/home/\"user=data") == 0);
assert(buffer_count == 19);
assert(strcmp(buffer, "\"/home/\\\"user=data\"") == 0);
printf("kv_parse_value() passed successfully!\n");
// Run tests in main()
int main()
return 0;
When you run the above source in tcc via cat kvparser.h | tcc -DKV_PARSER_TEST -run -
kv_parse_value() passed successfully!