In order to make ascii art nicer to look at, I was experimenting with some CSS. While I thought to make a dedicated generator in javascript, I luckly found that there is an easier way to do so in CSS. Originally I did the css styling for reddit as can be seen in this post. Since it works well there, I decided to try it out for my site.

 __  __  _____  ____  _____  ___  _  _  _  _  ____ 
(  \/  )(  _  )( ___)(  _  )/ __)( \/ )( \( )( ___)
 )    (  )(_)(  )__)  )(_)( \__ \ \  /  )  (  )__) 
(_/\/\_)(_____)(__)  (_____)(___/ (__) (_)\_)(____)

Above banner ascii text "mofosyne" was generated from this banner generator

To get this style, just read on.

While it looks very nice for many ascii-arts, it really does mess up any textual data within the art, and make it much harder to read. So best practice is to just restrict this style to ascii-arts only, and to exclude any "ascii-diagrams".

Here is an example of an ascii-diagrams that is messed up when this style is applied.

	|				 	__________									|
	|					|		 |									|
	|	|				| EEPROM |			(RX)		(VCC)		|
	|	|___			|________|									|
	|	____|	|	_________________		(GPIO0)		(RESET)		|
	|	|___	|	|				|								|
	|	____|	|	|	ESP8266		|		(GPIO2)		(CH_PD)		|
	|	|___	|	| Wifi+ARM_MCU  |								|
	|	____|	|	|_______________|		(GND)		(TX)		|
	|	|_______|__													|
	RX		:	UART Receive Pin (Connects to TX of other device)
	VCC		:	3.3V Upper Power rail (Input power)
	GPIO0	:	General Purpose Input Output (0)
	RESET	:	Reset Device
	CH_P2	:	General Purpose Input Output (2)
	CH_PD	:	Chip Enable Pin (pull high)
	GND		:	0V Power Ground
	TX		:	UART Transmit Pin  (Connects to RX of other device)

Installing in Jekyll

Here is the CSS style to place in your css file.

Diagram and ASCII ART styling for Jekyll (and other markdown parser that appends a .language- prefix)

.language-ascii-art {
 display: inline-block; 
 font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
 letter-spacing: -0.2em;
 line-height: 0.8em;
 text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(100,100,100,0.5);

.language-ascii-noshadows {
 display: inline-block; 
 font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
 letter-spacing: -0.2em;
 line-height: 0.8em;

So now when you type in a fenced block that specifies "ascii-art" as the syntax highlighting option, it will be styled. This code will have ".language-ascii-art" as it's class name. And thus will be styled as an ascii-art.

ascii-art /\_/\ ____/ o o \ /~____ =-= / (______)__m_m)

ascii-art-noshadows /\_/\ ____/ o o \ /~____ =-= / (______)__m_m)

Will turn into

    ____/ o o \
  /~____  =-= /

and if you don't like drop shadows (as requested by tom4000 from hackernews ):

    ____/ o o \
  /~____  =-= /

This ascii-art CSS styling snippet is public domain. Just use it how you wish.

Reddit Style

Need to use one for subreddit? Use this style:

    CSS for nicer looking ascii art in reddit
code {
 font-family:"Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace ;
 letter-spacing: -0.2em;
 line-height: 0.8em;
 text-shadow: 0 0 5px rgba(100,100,100,0.5);


This ascii-art CSS styling snippet is public domain. Just use it how you wish.

Bit of experiment (blurred, no text)

.language-ascii-art-blur {
 color: transparent; /*hide the text this time*/
 display: inline-block; 
 font-family: "Lucida Console", Monaco, monospace;
 letter-spacing: -0.3em;
 line-height: 0.6em;
 text-shadow: 0 0 4px #000000;


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Another experiment ( CRT glow )

This preserves the look of ASCII text. But with the additional retro benifit of replicating the "bleed-in" effect that larger characters has (which ASCII artist in the past probbly exploited in CRT screens to give the image a "filled in" look).

For Jekyll (using "ascii-art-glow")

.language-ascii-art-glow {
 font-family: monospace;
 text-shadow: 0 0 20px , 0 0 40px, 0 0 80px , 0 0 100px;

For subreddit in reddit:

code {
 font-family: monospace;
 text-shadow: 0 0 20px , 0 0 40px, 0 0 80px , 0 0 100px;

An example of a CRT glowing effect

ASCII image source

  • Pros: More faithful to the original effect in CRT monitors that artist in the old days exploited. Normal non art text embedded within the ASCII-art is readable.

  • Cons: Is not as pretty as the previous suggestion in here . Also it requires a dark background on light text to work best.

╔═ comhack@Cerberus 10:49 PM 
╚═══ ~-> ssh -p xxxx

   _____                .__      .____    .__
  /  _  \_______   ____ |  |__   |    |   |__| ____  __ _____  ___
 /  /_\  \_  __ \_/ ___\|  |  \  |    |   |  |/    \|  |  \  \/  /
/    |    \  | \/\  \___|   Y  \ |    |___|  |   |  \  |  />    <
\____|__  /__|    \___  >___|  / |_______ \__|___|  /____//__/\_ \
        \/            \/     \/          \/       \/            \/

OS: Archlinux \s   Kernel: \r   Processor: \m   Terminal: \l   Users: \u's password: 

ASCII image source

For more information about how artist and game makers exploted the glow effect of CRT, an interesting article here can be read:

What a Wonder is a Terrible Monitor — December 4, 2012 ( )

Ascii art tests

.--.     /\                ____
'--'    /__\    (^._.^)~ <(o.o )>

.g@8g.  db
'Y8@P' d88b

:$#$: "4b. ':.
:$#$:   "4b. ':.