MathJax support for ASCIIMath and Tex
postsTesting mathjax rendering support for this page. This is the code inserted on the top of each page.
I decided on using mathjax cdn since it is likely to be precached by the cdn in multiple websites, meaning faster load time. Plus it means MathJax will always be up to date. I also decided to choose both ASCIIMath and Tex/LaTeX support since both have suitable use case (One for quick and dirty notation, and the other for clean mathamatical notations).
The settings I chose according to MathJax TeX-MML-AM_HTMLorMML.js Allows math to be specified in TeX, LaTeX, MathML, or AsciiMath notation, with the AMSmath and AMSsymbols packages included, producing output using MathML if the browser supports it sufficiently, and HTML-with-CSS otherwise.
Here is some test Math Jax stuff
Inline math/tex:
Displayed math/tex:
Inline math/asciimath:
Displayed math/asciimath:
Looks like I was mistaken, you are not forced to use the unwieldy html tags to declare if a text should be considered math or not.
In read under the heading "TeX and LaTeX math delimiters". For Tex and LaTeX, the delimiters are
LaTeX Inline Mode:
LaTeX Display Mode:
TeX Mode(unverified, may need ""):
ASCIIMath Mode (Note: Backtick located next to "1" or "!" key:
LaTeX Inline Mode: \(...\) LaTeX Display Mode: \[...\] TeX Mode(unverified, may need ""): $$...$$ ASCIIMath Mode (Note: Backtick located next to "1" or "!" key: `...`
Note: For some reason, the Math Jax document specifies (...) & [...] but that does not work for me... document needs updating? P.s. ("" is needed if running mathjaxs after markdown parser, since there is special significance to "`" and ""
Oh and btw if you type "_" in math mode, youw will actually need to escape it too, like below e.g. "
\( \Gamma g_{th} = \alpha_i + \frac{1}{2L} ln[\frac{1}{R_1 R_2}] \)
As a signoff, here is a random equation (see if you can recognize it :p )
\( \Gamma g_{th} = \alpha_i + \frac{1}{2L} ln[\frac{1}{R_1 R_2}] \)
$$ a=b $$
`x^2 /7`
p.s. I think I know why "" needs to be added in most cases. It's because the markdown parser treats "" and ` as special characters, and thus needs to be escaped.