KML to Markdown Converter

KML to Markdown Converter

This tool allows you to convert Google Earth Pro KML place data to a format compatible with Obsidian Map View plugin. Simply paste your KML XML content in the textbox below and click "Convert to Markdown".


  1. Copy the KML data from Google Earth Pro or any other source.
  2. Paste the copied KML data into the textbox below.
  3. Click "Convert to Markdown" to generate the Markdown output.
  4. Copy the generated Markdown and use it in your Obsidian notes.

Example KML data:

<kml xmlns="" xmlns:gx="" xmlns:kml="" xmlns:atom="">
    <Placemark id="1.2.1">
        <name>Little cardboard cafe</name>
        <address>356 Pascoe Vale Rd, Essendon VIC 3040</address>

Example Markdown output:

 - [Little cardboard cafe](geo:-37.7437945,144.9282589)
     - Address: 356 Pascoe Vale Rd, Essendon VIC 3040